Room 301

The images are sorted by room and section. The thumbnail for each section links to item sets for the section. Each image is also available as an item, however due to the number of images, they are organized in groups for convenience. A presentation on multispectral imaging and the primer are provided below for quick reference. More detail is located in the Reference Documents page

Interior walls of each room were assigned letters in a clockwise fashion facing into the house from the front door:          

            Left Wall: A

            Back (facing) Wall: B

            Right Wall: C

            Front (entry) Wall: D


Broad areas on each wall were divided by numbers from left to right facing the wall, usually with the wall features serving to differentiate the region, e.g. in Room 101 on the fireplace wall the area to the left of the fireplace is region 1, the area over the fireplace is region 2, and the area to the right of the fireplace is region 3. Regions were further subdivided with lower case letters starting with ‘a’ from left to right. They were divided vertically with numbers, from 1 at the top.

For example, section A1a2 would be: Left Wall, left region left side at the top.

Image sets named Capture are unprocessed TIFF images as opposed to the JPG images named processed.  If no designation is on the set, assume they have been processed.

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